Case Study:
Warehouse Dilapidations for the Landlord

Project Overview

The lease term was nearing the end on a warehouse property.

We inspected and prepared a schedule of dilapidations report for an industrial unit with self-contained offices in Hyde, Greater Manchester on behalf of the landlord.

The schedule of dilapidations was finalised with a full terminal schedule of dilapidations. Works were designed, specified and presented to the former tenant to seek settlement.

The efforts to settle early were rejected and works progressed on site. Matters progressed towards litigation, and an alternative form of dispute resolution, mediation, was selected.

Project Requirement

The dilapidation schedule was formerly served on the outgoing Tenant, who was resistant to any claim and attempted to ignore the matter from the outset.

The building was suffering from as lack of maintenance with, cut edge corrosion and defective metal roof panelling, corroding gutters and poor internal finishes.

We were instructed by our client to negotiate with the Tenant and faced a challenging and aggressive tenant who met efforts to settle with ill informed, legally flawed, arguments.

Through a mediation process, in which Dabinett were instrumental in providing concise and professional advice, we carefully navigated our Client to a settlement that saw the building fully refurbished and much of the cost recovered from the tenant.  Over a great achievement considering the opposition we faced in this case.

Project Outcome

The landlord had faced a tenant who from the outset denied any liability for the repair and maintenance of the building.  A poor quality schedule of condition handicapped the tenant’s defence, leaving major liabilities.

Dabinett have vast experience in dilapidation matters and can provide advise in the most challenging of matters to ensure that our Clients obtained the best results possible in the situation.

For more information on dilapidations click here and advice on general commercial services click here.


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